Fusion Camp’s positive influence…

The Active Fusion half-term camps have not only allowed children to keep physically active, but mentally active too, according to grateful parent, Ashley Turner.

Ashley has seen her daughter, Jamie-June, better known as JJ, experience a week full of mentally stimulating activities with her peers in Askern thanks to the hard work of the dedicated Active Fusion team.

Lead by experienced coach Luke Millar, JJ and co took part in a variety of activities aimed at increasing their communication, resilience and teamwork, which mum Ashley says has worked a treat.

She said: “JJ really enjoyed camp.

“It has challenged her mindset and has kept her active during the day, which is what children really need right now.”

“It has challenged her mindset and has kept her active during the day, which is what children really need right now.”

The joy of being active

Coming from an active family, JJ has struggled through lockdown with the lack of opportunity to remain active within her own home.

Ashley understands the value of being active as a child and has made sure JJ takes every opportunity possible to be active, which have been few and far between over the past 12 months.

She said: “JJ needs to be active all the time due to having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

“Lockdown has meant all her usual clubs have closed and, while we are active at home together, she benefits from being around her peers.

“Camp has allowed her to get out of the house and focus on sports, which is a big thing for JJ.”

Working for her family

Like many parents during lockdown, Ashley has done it the hard way, juggling work, homeschooling and making sure her daughter develops through the crucial stages of her childhood.

Ever since the summer of 2020, Active Fusion holiday camps have allowed parents to catch up on work while knowing their children are happy, healthy and active in a safe environment.

Being a key worker, Ashley has worked while JJ has been on camp, but has loved picking her up every day, seeing the huge smile on her face.

She added: “JJ thoroughly enjoyed herself, which was obvious when I picked her up and she couldn’t stop smiling. This is what children needed.

“I’m happy that JJ has been able to keep her mind and body active during half-term. I hope the camps carry in the future so JJ and other children can benefit from them.”


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