
A timeline of events that shaped Active Fusion

We have dedicated over 20 years to supporting children and young people. From humble beginnings, we have stayed true to our mission and have fought for the importance of physical education and activity in young lives across South Yorkshire. We want to keep making history and we will continue to make the case for physical and mental wellbeing for all children and young people.


School Sport Partnership formed as part of a Labour funded National programme to help schools develop Physical Education, School Sport and enhance local sporting opportunities within the community. 

The Flying High School Sport Partnership consisted of 8 secondary schools and 45 primary schools across the South and East areas of Doncaster. 


Launch of the school games and move towards competitive opportunities.  


The Flying High SSP continued to function as a result of it’s established trusted relationships and continued to provide support for high quality PE, increasing physical activity, providing competitive opportunities and increasing leadership and volunteering. 


Sports Premium funding was provided to improve the provision of physical education and school sport in primary schools across England.  Flying High worked with schools to support them to achieve their Sports Premium responsibilities.  


Flying High legally transferred from being a part of Rossington All Saints to become its own independent charitable incorporated organisation called Active Fusion. The move was made to ensure the charity could maximise resources to provide more opportunities for young people across South Yorkshire to be the best they can be through PE, sport and physical activity. 


Starting with 7 Members – Active Fusion as you know it was born! 


23 members of staff delivering to achieve our charitable mission ‘helping every child to develop a love for being active and creating positive habits that last a lifetime’.