Fusion Education

Advocating for the power of physical education at the heart of the curriculum.


Our education programmes support high quality physical education activity for all children and young people in education settings, across the curriculum and extended service provision.

We help your school and education setting to support children and young people to be the best they can be, by been as active as they can be.

Our programmes are designed to help schools improve the physical health and well-being of children and young people.

Our child-centred and collaborative approach with partners and students help schools to deliver sustainable solutions bespoke to their individual needs. We do this by providing one to one and one to many sessions delivered  by our specialist coaching team.

We work with the following education settings and programmes to deliver on outcomes aligned to national frameworks and benchmarks for working with children and young people.

Early Years

Our early years programmes are designed to help young children develop positive feelings towards physical activity which will last a lifetime.

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Our programmes are designed to help schools hit the ten primary PE Sport Premium outcomes set by the Association for Physical Education.

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Our programmes with secondary schools help develop leadership skills and capabilities to support pathways into further education, training and employment.

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Education Projects

Our bespoke education projects are designed in collaboration with partners, professional coaches and most importantly, children and young people.

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School Partnerships

As a charity we are passionate about supporting all children and young people to access high quality Physical Education. We do this by partnering with schools to support them in delivering high quality PE and exploring physical activity across the curriculum.

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