Trusts and Foundations

Active Fusion works collaboratively with Trusts and Foundations to achieve change together, simply by connecting priorities we share for children. Our work to date as a charity and the funders who have supported us can be seen in our latest audited accounts and annual report which are available to view here.

Our work would be simply impossible without the generous support of our trust and foundation partners. Support from small and large funders helps Active Fusion continue to expand our work, reach more young people and grow the impact of our work faster.

How we work with you

We work closely with Trusts and Foundations to share the impact of our work through connecting funders to the stories and the difference we make to our beneficiaries.

We work in partnership together with organisations to add value and develop collaborative and innovative programmes to realise shared goals and ambitions. Vital support from trusts and foundations helps us to amplify our reach and maximise our positive impact on young people’s lives.

We are always seeking opportunities to forge new relationships with charitable trusts and foundations to develop meaningful and mutually beneficial partnerships founded on shared values and ambitions for change in young lives.

Project and programme funding

Working closely with local people we identify and design projects and programmes that focus on local solutions to the challenges children and young people face. Project funding empowers us to target resources and act upon need.

Core and unrestricted funding

Unrestricted funding is critical to Active Fusion, to invest in our development as a charity, to grow and reach beyond our base of Doncaster across the South Yorkshire area and apply. Core funding is critical to our core mission, it allows us to be flexible and direct our time to where it is most needed.

A huge thanks to all our funders. Your investment in us makes a huge difference to many areas of our work and without this support many of our innovative and inspiring projects could not make the starting blocks!

If you share our vision for change and are interested in supporting our work, then we invite you to get in touch to start a conversation with Dave, Head of People & Partnerships at

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Get in touch

For more information on how your Trust or Foundation can support the work of Active Fusion please contact:

Becky Rose, Deputy Director / 01302 637276